Tonight, the both+ands: Wanting to stay in this very moment of space and time, no tasks, no requirements, no expectations. & Wanting to experience progress faster, for purpose and for impact, for positive change
Today is another ‘color’ day…and I’m choosing the color of “bruise.” The black and purple, sometimes green and yellow, that tell-tale color of a painful impact….an impact so hard it leaves behind a mark.
February 11 of 2018 was such an interesting day… When I went to my chemo class before the wretched stuff was officially pumped into my veins, I remember them saying, “you’ll start with 6
Well, I may totally regret it tomorrow but I don’t care. My ‘impactful interaction’ today was with an old friend of mine – volleyball Amber. I played a little during Annie’s practice and I
Physically, I’ve had a pretty good day! And although “good” is about 65%, I’ll take every little decimal of that and celebrate it. And volleyball practice tonight was SO good – both my energy
Today’s Quotable Quote: “Many people in the United States and throughout the industrialized nations misguidedly believe that the only ways to have what we want is to work hard and long. There is an
Colors speak in ways words sometimes can’t. And I think different colors mean different things for people based on their unique experiences. One of my favorite things when getting to know someone is asking
I’m almost out of bandwidth for today due to the crazy amount of studying I’ve been doing but I wanted to take a quick break and write about my day. Today’s prompt is about
Physically I’m barely putting one foot in front of another. My smallest toes are screaming out. My core, slouched from the weight of exhaustion. My creaky joints are weak with pain and my head
Sometimes living changed isn’t about the application of the wonderful things that can come out something wretched. Sometimes living changed means that everything is changed because of that wretched thing and then living in