Reflections. Elusive hope. Toxic hope. A kind hope. A story in a story. We write stories all of the time. There are those that retell the past, full of memories both good and bad.
I think I’m going to spend this month of August speaking to emotions. In general, emotions are massively misunderstood. Usually, the feeler doesn’t really know how they are feeling, or they don’t make the
And the theme of March will be grace. Grace upon grace. grace [ greys ]verb.To favor or honor. I had a friend ask me tonight, “What would you tell your 28 year old self?”
I’m gonna continue my word-nerd kick and talk about the word that hit me as I was getting ready this morning: ‘marvel.’ Don’t confuse that with superheroes, but rather think about how it is
A couple of days ago I wrote about how hope has invaded my cancer story through the practice of capturing the now, authentic as it is, on a daily basis. Yesterday, in all of
“This desert journey has made me weary but my heart is still slouched toward hope.” MHN I love this statement by Morgan Harper Nichols. It fits so well into my present being. I’ve likened
You know when you get a new car (or a new-to-you) car and the next time you’re on the road you see your same new car in the same new color w a a