I was exploring this with my volleyball girls a couple of weeks ago….to examine it within the context of volleyball, both their individual contributions and the team’s function. Then I challenged them to take
Doing only one thing at a time is somewhat counter-cultural because we tend to be conditioned to multitask. It’s been an interesting lesson for me, throughout cancer, to be different…whether I’ve liked it or
I was going to write yesterday but I just didn’t feel like it. I had a bad day…..and today has followed suit. Ugh. I am stuck in skin I don’t want to be in,
Friends, April is going to be B O N K E R S. My schedule is about to get all sorts of crazy so for April, I’m going to have to try something new and
And the theme of March will be grace. Grace upon grace. grace [ greys ] noun. a moral strength; the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to strengthen them; the freely given, unmerited favor of
And the theme of March will be grace. Grace upon grace. grace [ greys ] noun. a moral strength; a pleasing or attractive quality; a virtue or excellence of divine origin I personally don’t buy into insistent
And the theme of March will be grace. Grace upon grace. grace [ greys ] noun. a moral strength I wonder if it’s tougher to experience grace…either giving or receiving it…when we are looking at the outcome
And the theme of March will be grace. Grace upon grace. grace [ greys ]noun.a pleasing or attractive quality; a virtue or excellence; favor or goodwill. Cancer has changed the way I see everything.
And the theme of March will be grace. Grace upon grace. grace [ greys ] noun. favor shown in granting a delay Sometimes you just need a reset. I was yawning today and I remembered something I
And the theme of March will be grace. Grace upon grace. grace [ greys ] noun. moral strength. Survivorship is not a place free from sadness. And to think otherwise (whether you’re the one surviving or you’re