What does it mean when everything important happens to conflict with everything that is important? Like literally, in these past few weeks, I’ll go to put some important thing on my calendar and there,
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I had an opportunity throughout today to remind myself what it means to walk what I talk…… It’s pretty easy in life to say or even think all the right things. Or the helpful
I’m typically pretty disciplined at keeping myself present and in the “simply show up” mindset. But recently I’ve lost a little touch with that and I’ve found myself reeling a little in the spiral
“When I used to read fairy-tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one!” —Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 4 :: Lewis Carroll The
Interesting enough as I wrap up my May Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass theme, last night I had a very vivid dream (you know, the kind where it’s so real that the only way you
I finished the book today (which is really 2 books in one) – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. And wouldn’t you know it, neither of the books ended with a
My head is in 100 places. I can’t seem to gather a straight thought. I’m distracted. I’m preoccupied. I’m emotional. I’m anxious. The funny thing – I was reading Through the Looking Glass and
I’ve recently challenged myself with something. Whenever I hear myself say, “I’m just trying to figure it out…” in regards to something I don’t know, I stop what I’m saying and reevaluate that which
Okay, so as I was reading about TweedleDee and TweedleDum, a couple of things came to mind. First off – they are their own little “both+and,” no? You don’t get one without the other
I’m literally just sitting down in my own headspace for the first time today. It’s been a long and very full day and now that my standard functioning level starts at a 60%, a