I am a daughter, wife, mom, writer, cancer survivor, trauma survivor, counselor (LPC), life coach (BCC), group facilitator, motivational speaker, storyteller, and lifelong learner.
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About Me
I choose the counter-cultural route, I am a question-asker and a constant learner, I am relentlessly authentic, I am a both/and person, I “live short” and I “love long” and I believe that all feedback is relevant. Obviously, I didn’t come out that way, life has made me these things…I have had to humbly admit I don’t have the market cornered on it all and I have to daily choose to live these things out while also remaining open to learning what the next 5 minutes has to offer. I’d love for you to read more about me in my blog!
About My Brand
When I was considering ‘my brand’ in the dreaming stages of owning a private practice and LLC, the ocean kept coming up. How the open waters are such an apt metaphor of life. Those waters, both exhilaratingly adventurous and devastatingly stormy, unpredictable and uncharted. That to navigate them takes a purposed sailor. Not necessarily an expert, but more one that is able and willing to learn how to adjust their sails. Learning how to make meaning out of our tragedies and traumas, just as much as we do of all of our good times, is what it is to live on purpose. I want to live authentically like this, navigating my own uncharted waters, learning how to adjust my own sails for whatever happens. And I want to companion and champion others as they do the same.
About my Logo
I spy a “T” a “P” and an “S” 😉 Do you?
The mast of the sailboat is a “t” for “The” (also a low-key cross to honor my faith), the sail and mast together create a “P” for “Purposed” and the wave is an “S” for “Sailor.” I drew a bunch of different options and with the help of many friends, settled on this one. One of my dear friends through my MyLifeLine Cancer Community, Kathy, said to me about this one: “I like this one best because it looks like she’s going somewhere.” That’s what did it for me. 🙂

Me living life. On purpose. 💛
I deeply believe in the power of living on purpose.

© 2024 :: The Purposed Sailor, LLC :: Amber Havekost, MA, LPC, BCC