Upside🙃Down Bravery

Posted on January 7, 2022Comments Off on Upside🙃Down Bravery

Bravery is jumping off a cliff into water.
It’s giving a speech when you’re scared.
It’s saying ‘no’ when the people-pleaser in you tempts you otherwise.
But bravery also goes far beyond the saying of just ‘do it afraid.’

If only we’d consider its depth and its potential: 

What in your life do you resist?
Is it the truth on the other side of denial?
Is it the discomfort of unpredictability?
Is it the illusion that you have more control than you do?
Is it the feedback offered because it challenges your assumptions and your ego?

We often resist ‘it’ because ‘it’ reflects our vulnerabilities. 
But what if?
What if you were brave –
Brave to step into that which you resist.
Brave to seeacknowledge, and even (dare I say it!), respect your vulnerabilities.

Brave to learn what is true about yourself…even when it’s not so pretty.
Brave to allow for unpredictability’s intention…even when it means difficult acceptance.
Brave to see clearly the purpose in surrender…even when it’s hard.
Brave to quiet your ego and your excuses…even when it means you fail.
Brave to amplify your chance to understand…because it will make you better.

What if.

(If you happened to watch my vlog on Wednesday, this will sound a little familiar. I want to explain—On some of my weekly blogs, I may post a written version of what I touched on in my video the day or two before. While it may seem redundant, I have several very specific intentions behind this – One, some like to listen, some prefer reading, some like both. Second, there are really fun nuances that come best from the written word and similarly, some only from the spoken one. Third, since there is always something to learn, experiencing similar content in a couple of different ways could mean that one learns different layers with each engagement. And last, depth can be reached in both platforms and they both do something for my heart and spirit. Being that I’m SUCH a word-nerd, I love writing and I love verbally processing….so I get to do the BothAnd. â˜şď¸ In all cases, THANK YOU for engaging whether it’s listening, reading, liking, commenting, subscribing, participating… I appreciate YOU.)