I hold the both+and reality that often the tension that stretches us is also the tension that matures us. I’m uncomfortable for sure but the discomfort can be purposed: I can remind myself that I’ll know what I need to know when I need to know it. I can put on repeat in my head – ‘5 minutes.’ I can take a deep breath and pause, breathing into wherever my body holds anxiety and strain. I can claim the truth that I know – ‘I do not walk alone.’
So tonight, I will simply sit here with the chaos of trepidation and with the peace of conviction. I will purpose my discomfort. I will trust that nothing is wasted. And I will let tomorrow be tomorrow.
This Day in 2018:
So much to process tonight. But so tired.
This Day in 2019:
On a plane headed home. Thankful for an amazing vacation AND thankful for going home.
We’ve slept in 7 different beds over the last 13 days. We’ve traveled hundreds of miles. We’ve made unforgettable memories.
And we hit the ground running when we get back. So, these last two hours, albeit traveling, will be savored.
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