Quote for Today 7.4 :: ‘HBD ABC’

Posted on July 4, 2021Comments Off on Quote for Today 7.4 :: ‘HBD ABC’

Two words rise to the top of an incredible list when I think of you, dear daughter. I am grateful you were born. I am grateful you are my kid. I am grateful you are courageous to be both compassionate and convicted. Happy Birthday, my love.

“Compassion is a sure sign of strength.”

Dalai Lama

“A ‘no’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.”


This Day in 2018:

Happy 4th of July

Yet another holiday marked by cancer….

It was Annie’s 10th birthday today. Double digits… wow. My baby is a decade old. We reminisced today and it made me so very nostalgic for what seems now like simpler times. They weren’t. They had troubles of their own. They had celebrations of their own, too. Just like now…. It’s all relative and ‘be where your feet are’ rings true in all seasons. 

Annie has enjoyed celebrating her big 1-0 but she has shed many a tear and certainly hasn’t really been herself because I wasn’t able to join the family at the lake this morning or go with them to the fireworks show tonight. One more thing cancer has taken. 

Thank God it hasn’t taken my life and thank God I can look to next year being different. And thank God I had the energy to put myself together and go to Red Robin with the family and celebrate at least one family birthday tradition together. But it is still sad in this moment. It still stings even if I’m hopeful. And to a 10 year old, it’s even harder to see past the now. Which, if you think about it, is kinda the way ‘be where your feet are’ sees things, too. So, I’m going to let it be sucky. And sad. And really hard. And I’m going to loathe cancer especially deep tonight. 

Happy 4th of July. I am grateful for independence, grateful for freedom, grateful to those that sacrifice for me, grateful for incredible medical care so that I can still celebrate, even if it looks different, grateful for another year with my Anabelle and my family. 

Grateful. Sad. But grateful.

This Day in 2019:


Happy Birthday sweet Annie. I’m grateful I’m here to see you turn 11. 

I love you. And I love getting to be your momma. 

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