Quote for Today 7.23 :: ‘Connected Letters’

Posted on July 23, 2021Comments Off on Quote for Today 7.23 :: ‘Connected Letters’

“Cancer is not just six letters connected to make a word.”


‘Cancer’ is so common a word that its value really seems to be only in the letters that are connected to make it. People use the word flippantly, not really considering its true meaning……Using it as a metaphor for the people they don’t like or for the rust on a truck or for describing some toxic ideology. 

If I may – please make the word mean something deeper than just the sum of its six letters. Please consider a new metaphor. Not because I am oversensitive but quite the opposite – as a person who lives on the INSIDE of this horrific word, let me remind you that it’s not just some arbitrary descriptor, no matter how applicable it may seem.

Words matter. 

This Day in 2018:

Whatever Wins I Can Get, I Cling To

Two big things happened today:

1. I had my first dentist appointment since before cancer… During chemo they wouldn’t let me see my dentist or really do much other than brush my teeth so I was so worried today what the report was going to be. I have dentist anxiety, anyways, so the last thing I wanted to hear was that my mouth was a mess. PRAISE God that my teeth are in great condition and I didn’t have to hear “root canal” at all. 

It was interesting as I was sitting in the chair and hearing what all was going on around me… The sounds of a dentist’s office are not calming sounds in the least so my anxieties were through the roof. Not to mention two other patients were getting root canals while I was there and those do NOT sound fun (the dentist on site today, while super, was very loud and explained EVERY step that she was doing…so I was getting the play-by-play and the sounds to go along with it, of a poor soul’s root canal; and mind you, that was BEFORE I heard the “no root canals for you” report from the doc). Whew. Winning. 

And 2. I went back to work today. We are easing in with half days this week and maybe next and I’m grateful for that opportunity as I have to remind myself that I had major surgery a month ago. While it was overwhelming, it was SO good for my soul to be back in the office with some of my favorite people. And the welcome back was incredibly special. Winning. Again. 🙂

And because I had major surgery a month ago, I’m totally exhausted from my day. 

This Day in 2019:

The Brown Suitcase with the Metal Corner Reinforcements

An interesting visual…

You know, the iconic picture of the brown suitcase with metal corner reinforcements that has the destination stickers all over it for where the traveler has traveled?

Life is like that. 

What stickers are covering my brown suitcase with metal corner reinforcements? Where have I traveled? What have I seen? Who am I?

Abuse. Abandonment. Rape. Car accident. Cancer.  

Strong mother. Amazing stepfather. Incredible husband. Awesome kids. Wonderful family. Great friends. 

Devastating loss. Astounding gains. Tragic trauma. Beautiful memories.

Resilient. Broken. Confident. Insecure. Faithful. Fearful. Joyful. Sad. Bold. Uncertain. Relentless. Vulnerable.


What travels await? Where will we go next? What stickers will I add?

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