Quote for Today 7.16 :: ‘The Fork in the Road’

Posted on July 16, 2021Comments Off on Quote for Today 7.16 :: ‘The Fork in the Road’

“The truth is, you will always find yourself at the perpetual fork in the road. If you go THAT way, difficult experiences await. As do purposeful takeaways. If you go THIS way, difficult experiences await as do purposeful takeaways. So… Show up and take your next best step.” 


It is a shame that we tend to think there is just one path and the moment we veer from it, we’re doomed. I am grateful that my professional career in crisis counseling taught me that that isn’t actually true. And I am grateful that cancer teaches me how to actually live that truth out.

This Day in 2018:

Thankful. Antsy. Exhausted.

I really don’t have much to say tonight…

I’m thankful for a healing body. Antsy for the next step. Exhausted from the long long road this has been and continues to be…

This Day in 2019:

Practice Makes …..Practice?

As I was driving into work today, I listed all of the things I’m grateful for. I put my focus on goin’ a treasure hunt. 

And the day was rough, so it was good that I had that focus……… 

While there were moments that I lost track of the treasure of gratitude, I continue to practice that mindset. And tomorrow is another potentially difficult day (as is Thursday!) so the opportunities for practice just keep coming. 

This Day in 2020:

The Weird Gift of Covid

My social media post for Haleigh’s graduation parties on July 11 and 12, 2020:

Girl…you make waves wherever you go… I love you, and I also really like you… You are beautifully confident and boldly convicted… You are tender-hearted yet tough-nosed… You are resilient, you love deeply and you seek justice… You ask “why?” which is decidedly difficult to parent but immensely important in life… You are a voice for the marginalized, you go after the heart of others and you love those that are tough to love – all without compromising your values… you are wise, you are poised, you are radiant…

And you are such a JOY to celebrate. 

Congratulations on your high school graduation, my love. Go big. Do big. Stay soft. Stay strong. Be you. 💜

My social media post for Haleigh’s High School Graduation ceremony on July 16, 2020:

The weird gift of a graduation ceremony modified by covid meant that I got to sit *right* *next* *to* *you* at this once-in-a-lifetime event. Selfishly, I was grateful that we had to sit in our own little family groups of 6, spread across the football field, melting on a sweltering day in mid-July (one of my hardest emotional months) because, well, there was a time, not too many months ago, that we weren’t sure we’d make it here *together*… Happy Graduation Day, Daughter. I am beyond blessed to be your Mom. 💜