The Key to the Key

Posted on May 12, 2021Comments Off on The Key to the Key

The first part of chapter 6 in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is so very weird…but, I found something interesting. The Duchess calls her baby (an actual baby), “Pig” as yelling and sneezing and too much pepper and flying pots and pans creates mass chaos in the kitchen. Later in the chapter, Alice was given the baby to take care of. She decides to leave the chaotic house to get some fresh air and as they are walking, the baby, while in the arms of Alice, turns into a literal pig, snorting and grunting and wriggling like any pig would. Alice then puts the pig down as it’s quite silly to hold a pig like a baby and it runs off not to return. (I told you it was weird…) While none of that makes much sense at all—what in this book does, though?—the part I thought interesting is the baby became that which the Duchess called it. 

How often in life do we claim something to be without being accurate? Or how often can we change the course of something by calling it what we want it to be instead of what it is? Or how often are we stuck with some reality no matter how we feel about it? And how often do we mix these up and have it all upside-down? 

The key is knowing which is what. . . And the key to the key is knowing there is always something to learn. 

No Post for 5/12/18

Mother’s Day :: May 12, 2019

Mother’s Day. I’m grateful to be here to celebrate with my girls. I’m grateful I get to be here to celebrate my momma. 

It’s been an emotional day…I feel so fragile. I cry at the smallest thing. I woke up teary because I hardly slept last night: surgery pain and my new med has insomnia as a side effect. We took a picture at church today and I cried because my self confidence is wrecked. I cried on the way home from lunch because I was hit with an awful hot flash and it’s another one of the side effects of this new med (and I was starting to feel some relief from having time off of meds). I almost cried at dinner tonight because my bones and muscles were aching……another side effect. I had tears well up in my eyes as I took a walk with Chris because my ankles were hurting due to being super swollen – yet another side effect of this new med. 

Ugh. And a low and depressed mood is another side effect which makes me wonder if I’m experiencing that, too, due to all the tears. 

As I lay here getting ready to try and sleep, my stomach hurts and I have a bad headache…….you guessed it – more side effects…..yet I’m clinging to the gratitude of being alive despite the discomfort. 

No Post for 5/12/20